I've just read
Jeremy's post and I must say I enjoyed it thoroughly. I don't always agree with Jeremy and sometimes I feel that he has an air of "superiority" in his comments, but I respect his points though as I don't think he means to be malicious. Sometimes his observations are so poignant and on point, I'm recalling his write up on religion, which was teethering on the edge of "anti-religion" but still had very relevant and oh so true points. Anyway, he ruffles feathers which, in my opinion, is not such a bad thing! So back to this particular entry, it's just fantastic! The pictures are absolutely, absolutely beautiful.
You can go to his blog to see more and please do read. It makes me want to go "backpacking" in the north. But I don't think that is too possible! It's quite a shame that it's not as accessible to women as it is to men. Even Jeremy commented that he didn't see to many women out and about so I can't imagine what kind of risk it'd be to be a female traveller/tourist there. Plus Lord knows, i'm petrified of any religious riots cuz I heard those things are B-L-O-O-D-Y, with friends killing friends, neigbours killing neighbours, etc., how much less an unknown female yoruba traveller with an american accent? I don't know.........
Anyway o.........I HAVE NO CABLE!!!!!! aaarghhhhhhhh! The short version is the money was paid into the wrong account, and of course...there's no remedy for that soooo for the next month (I hope!) I have no DSTV! To understand how horrible this is really, I've been in nigeria for a little over a year now and i've NEVER EVER EVER watched local television. The past two weeks however, the gods have somehow decided to punish me. I don't have the words to explain how bad it is. But i'll sho try!!! lol. First off, my particular tv only receives a few stations and they're not clear, 2 NTA channels, MiTv, Galaxy, LTV, Silverbird, and sometimes the new Link 65 though it doesn't have colour. I think the only one missing is AIT which is not clear at all. So there you have it, the local television stations. Most of the time, there's news, which like Adaure said, is not really news but paid hypes for several companies, products, and people. If not that then it's some old, stale, update on what PDP did in Akure over the past weekend, which is always the same diatribe of burning the AC broom and a whole bunch of people ranting on with a very "just-this-much-and-the-money-will-be-flowing" look on their faces......BORING. And then if not news it's an array of sleek televangelists telling you they have the key to your happiness, or you should come to their campground, or there's one that actually says if you come to his church, you'd get married or have a set of twins by the end of the year...i'm still not sure if he's the one doing the impregnating.........ANYWOO, then, it's some poorly produced, poorly shot, sort of program in the realm of sports, or beauty, style, or "women in -----(fill in the necessary industry here). imagine someone sitting on a stool with an obviously black drape background (or worse, some sort of basic computer imposed bright, sometimes, moving background), trying to speak fonee with the aid of a poor script and introducing some lame topic, like where i should go to find beads, or breadmaking, or something. If not, then it's rhythm (sp?) unplugged or soundcity or warreva.....just DULL!!! there's absolutely nothing that's remotely stimulating, or a new idea, or opens up the world, or shows what's going on in other parts of the world, or which when you've finished watching you'd think, wow, I just learned something new, nothing. just DULL. I've taken to reading but i'm afraid i'm running out of things to do to occupy my mind. Anyway, there's always sudoku...
Oh, and if anybody caught it, I was in the Guardian newspaper last weekend, in the Life magazine insert, with a picture and interview. Emilia mentioned something about it to me on Saturday but I seriously thought she was talking to a friend....i'll post a pic tomorrow (i hope!)
What a pity!
But, since it’s going to be for just a month (what a long time it will be for people like you?), you can go ahead and manage, for the time being, surfing for some interesting entertainment from the web. And for local/naija, and sometime, international news, you can check the web. About 75 percent of Nigerian tabloids are online. Some blogs has a list of these dailies/weeklies you know.
This made me smile - I have watched only local TV since August (when I moved to Lagos to start my current job). I can't afford to pay DSTV bills at this point, and I spend most of my time at work anyway. We get only 2 channels - NTA (Channel 5) and Silverbird, and I have to say that, despite all the things you've mentioned, they entertain me well enough for the few hours a week I watch TV. As I recently said on my blog, it's either I'm getting unfussy or Nigerian TV is improving (or both I guess). Eeyah, hope you get DSTV back soon sha.
Where is the pic??? lol I am sure curious cat.
How are u surviving? I guess the lack of dstv will force you to go out more because Nigerian tv will sedate u...lol
Anyways, have a fab week. ciao
Hmmm....F i dey gbadun dat foto o. I still insist u look like Fantasia Borino minus d lips of cos. ;)
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